On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in child custody on Thursday, March 31, 2016.
In just a couple of short months, school-aged children throughout Missouri will wrap up another school year and welcome the start of summer vacation. For kids, summer is all about having fun and reveling in the fact that they don’t have to sit in a desk all day or do homework at night. However, for parents, summer vacation can present some logistical challenges and this is especially true in cases where parents are divorced.
With a child no longer in school, a child custody schedule that worked well during the school year may need to be adjusted which can cause tension and disputes between divorced parents. To help ensure that a child’s summer vacation is full of happy memories and quality time spent with both parents, divorced parents would be wise to work together and finalize summer plans now.
From swimming and playing at the park to summer camps and vacations away from home, the summer months are often packed with activities and events. For divorced parents who may not be on the best of terms, power struggles may erupt when trying to coordinate schedules and finalize plans. To avoid these types of arguments, parents should do their best to plan ahead and communicate plans with an ex. Scheduling planned events and vacations on a shared calendar can help ensure that parents are on the same page.
In cases where a child will be spending an extended period of time and/or going on vacation with one parent, the other parent should do his or her best to be enthusiastic and supportive. Children do best when they have loving and supportive parents in their lives and summer provides many opportunities for a child to spend quality time with both parents.
Source: Parenting.com, “A ‘Kids First’ Guide to Summer Planning for Divorced Parents,” Julie Gowthorpe, R.S.W., March 30, 2016