On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in divorce on Saturday, May 13, 2017.
When it comes to premarital agreements, you may have to consider a number of factors. For example, you may be thinking about talking to your fiancé about a prenuptial agreement. Or, perhaps you are already working through a divorce and are unsure of how your prenuptial agreement will affect your circumstances. At Stange Law Firm, PC, we can understand how stressful family law topics involving a prenup can be for people in Jackson County, and all throughout Missouri.
While there are many issues involving prenups, it is crucial to make sure you understand how your premarital agreement could affect you in the event that you separate from your marital partner. If you have a valid prenup, it could have a significant impact on how marital property is split up between you and your spouse. For example, you may receive more or less property as a result of the agreement. If you are thinking about tying the knot and wish to protect your property, you may also want to look into what you should include in the agreement and approach the topic appropriately with your partner.
Whether you are drafting a prenup or have been asked to sign a premarital agreement, it is imperative to make sure that the contract is valid. On our divorce page, you can go over more material on prenuptial agreements and other family law matters. Remember, it is critical to approach these types of issues carefully and take steps to minimize some of the anxiety and strong emotions that may come with family law subjects.